Browse Our Extensive Catalog of Product Photography!

Our collection of over 1000 product photos includes accurate color variations, sizes, shapes, patterns, textures, installations, and an assortment of hand-crafted accessories and customizations.


Visit our YouTube channel

Catch a glimpse of the hard work that keeps us busy everyday.

Explore Our Collections of Imported Natural Stone!

CleftStone inventories a wide assortment of natural cleft and honed slate, quartzite, limestone, sandstone, and travertine.

Visit our Houzz page

Browse the largest collection of interior design and decorating ideas including kitchens and bathrooms. Over 2,000,000 inspiring photos and 90,000 idea books from top designers around the world.

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Welcome to The CleftStone Works

Download Product Literature.

Download the "CleftStone Patterns" and "CleftStone Accessories" guides to discover the many options available for creating unique stone surfaces.

Display & Market
Our Beautiful Stone.

12x12 showroom range boards, custom floor displays and vignettes, and tile racks are a few of the solutions available to effectively market our product line.

Read The
CleftStone Blog.

Explore featured projects, read technical tips, and stay connected with current design trends.

Sizes, Shapes and Patterns

Shapes including squares, rectangles and hexagons can be cut into sizes ranging up to 24 inches. Several patterns are available with a number of options.

Textures and

CleftStone can apply a variety of stone finishes, such as tumbled or cobbled, to its collection of natural cleft and honed stones.

Assemblies and Mosaics

Hand assembly is available for mosaics, backsplashes and small patterns. Assembled items insure range of color, consistency, and easy installation.

Hand Crafted Accessories

Fabricated stone accessories and features complete a living space. CleftStone's fabrication capabilities range from delicate bar liners to solid rustic countertops.


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