The CleftStone Works is a wholesale, importing distributor and manufacturer of natural stone tile surfaces used in residential and commercial construction. Founded in 1994 by Chuck Stiefvater and Peter Galgano, The CleftStone Works has focused as the leading supplier of imported slate, limestone, and sandstone.
The initial products offered by the CleftStone Works consisted of only 12 inch tiles of Indian materials: three slates, two limestones, and three sandstones. We began offering hand selection and custom cutting service almost immediately. Our second pricelist offered a selection of sizes including 3x6, 4x4, 6x6, 6x12 and 12x12. Within a few years we began importing slate from China and South Africa, and introduced tumbling of all smaller sizes. In the first few years, all of our customization was done by hand.
In the late 1990's, we began to add 16x16's sizes in all stones, and we invested in European stone production equipment. We installed a larger rotary tumbler, and a multiblade saw. This allowed us to offer large quantities of accurately-cut sizes as small as 2x2, and we expanded our tumbled finishes to 16x16
Today, our product line includes 36 different stones from Brazil, China, India, South Africa, and Turkey. We stock large quantities of natural-cleft and honed monochrome and multicolor slate, quartz, limestone, travertine and sandstone in sizes up to 24x24. Our cutting facility has expanded to offer all sizes from 1x1 to 24x24, and we have innovated a wonderful Pattern Guide design manual which assists our design clients in producing a limitless number of stunning custom patterns, such as Random Ashlar, Block Ashlar, Strip, Planking, Border and Standard Tile patterns. This allows for the creation of refined, unique designs that may be customized for each project with preferred patterns, module sizes, joint sizes, colors, stones, blends and finishes.
Our collections of natural stone are available in Squares, Rectangles, Rhomboids, Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons in a variety of lengths and widths ranging from 1” to 24”.
For an antiqued “old world,” look tiles may be produced with a Tumbled or Cobbled finish. Our tumbling includes all sizes and patterns up to 16"x16".
In 2012, we completed the installation of a european stone brushing line, enabling us to provide a lovely brushed finish on all of our stone tiles in all sizes. We have combined the brushed and cobbled finishes for an Antique finish.
In total, we offer tens of thousands of pre-priced options of tile parts and patterns.
We have a complete Mosaic production facility, so we can hand-assemble and mesh mount any of our stone for backsplashes and baths.
Custom, hand-finished Accessory items such as bar liners, shelves, thresholds, caps, baseboards and slabs for countertops are produced to order. These items are available in a large range of sizes with a variety of edge treatments including Pencil, Bullnose, Bevel, Bookend and more.
Our products are displayed in hundreds of showrooms where we encourage consumers to visit with a professional design sales representative to better understand the use, installation, and care of these natural stone products. Please contact us to direct you to a participating dealer.
![]() Peter Galgano Owner and President |
![]() Chyanne Koch Customer Service |
![]() Donna Clearie Office and Accounting Manager |
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