CleftStone Blog

Every Day CleftStone

A day in the life at the CleftStone Works.

Honed Silver Gray Quartzite with a Striking Brushed Finish

Brushed Honed Silver Gray quartzite

Honed Silver Gray Quartzite is an impressive stone all by itself however adding a brushed finish makes these 6X12 tiles sparkle. The tiles have less of a flat polished feel and more of a smooth weathered texture. Available sizes range from 1X1 to 24X24 and we also stock ¾ inch slabs for vanity tops and other decorative features. Slabs of any length can be brushed however the width is limited to 27 inches.

Brushed Brazil Black Slate Rolling Off The Line

Brushed Brazil Black slate

CleftStone can apply a brushed finish to tiles of all sizes. The tiles in these photos are Brazil Black Slate in a 24 inch Agra Fort pattern, however a brushed finish is available for most other stones in our collection. For most slate, limestone and travertine tiles the brushed finish adds a silky smooth texture, whereas for heavier clefted quartzite, the finish is smooth yet slightly more gritty.

Chevron Patterns Are Sharp And Stylish

Brazil Gray slate chevron tiles

CleftStone can produce a variety of chevron patterns ranging from 1X3 mosaics to 12X24 loose tiles. The tiles in these photos are Brazil Gray Slate, however chevron patterns are available in most of our beautiful, natural stones. Different sizes can be used together with a blend of multiple colors to create unique patterns. Chevron tiles can also be produced with a brushed or tumbled finish.

A New Shiny Machine Has Landed

Stone Profiling Machine

What does this new shiny machine do? What incredible stone products will it produce? We're super anxious to get this beast up and running but we have some head scratching to do first. Stay tuned...


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