CleftStone Blog

Stone and Silk: The Look and Feel of CleftStone’s Brushed Surfaces

Not long ago, The CleftStone Works significantly advanced its in-house stone processing capabilities, adding a new European-manufactured stone-brushing line. Previously, our brushed-finish material came only from the quarry, which limited the variety of stones available. Now we’re doing this work at our Pennsylvania workshop – and the new possibilities are amazing.

Designers and owners alike are drawn to the sleek appearance brushing produces – and just as much to the silky feel of brushed stone. People often make a sound when they touch brushed stone: they say “Ooh!”

Stone Accents: Bar Liners nicely Complement any Custom Design

Bar Liners are the perfect accent piece for almost any natural stone installation. They're hand-crafted from stone tile and available in a wide variety of thicknesses, widths, lengths, and profiles. Finished profiles include full pencil edge, book edge, empire edge, eased flat edge, double bevel edge and more. Bar Liners are custom made-to-order items which are selected to match accompanying field tile. Loose samples are available by request. In addition to Bar Liners, Corner Shelves, Curbs, Thresholds, Caps and many more accessories are regularly produced. For more information refer to our CleftStone Accessories guide, or contact customer service to discuss your next project.

A 2X6 Bahia Herringbone with Tumbled Kota Green Limestone

Tumbled Kota Green Limestone is available in sizes ranging from 1x1 to 16x16. These sizes can be incorporated into a wide variety of patterns and features. This is an example of a 2x6 Bahia Herringbone tile pattern. Kota Blue Limestone is a blue alternative with the same texture and character. Kota Green Limestone is also available with a Straight-cut, Brushed, Cobbled or Antiqued finish in sizes up to 24x24.

Contemporary Slate Fountain

Aseries of contemporary geometric fountain caps fabricated of bold Brazilian Purple Slate, to create a striking modern water feature. Shown are steps in the templating process.

It's Patio Season

This patio installation comprised of simple yet exquisitely colored Chinese Desert Gold Quartzite is the perfect foundation for spending a casual afternoon outdoors. The earthy pastel tones and natural cleft of the stone mesh beautifully with natural wood furniture and ironwork to create an inviting, relaxing outdoor living space. Bring on the Sangria!


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