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For general website and questions from visitors and for dealer referrals, it's usually quickest to contact us by phone or email during business hours. At busy times, we may not respond quickly to email contacts, so please give a call we're happy to answer your questions.

If you are an existing customer please call or email our Customer Service Team for most inquiries. If you require more advanced A&D, technical support, dealer or showroom display Support please ask for Sales Support

Registered dealers may order quick Project samples here: Project Sample Form

Orders/Customer Service Team: customerservice@cleftstoneworks.com

phone: (610) 683-9348
fax: (610) 683-9349


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The CleftStone Works
760 Seem Drive, Kutztown, PA 19530

Contact Information

Mailing Address
The CleftStone Works
760 Seem Drive
Kutztown, Pennsylvania 19530
(610) 683-9348
(610) 683-9349
Business Hours
Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm EST

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