Services & Capabilities of The CleftStone Works

Cutting Sizes, Shapes & Patterns

The CleftStone Works has the ability to cut various different sizes, shapes and patterns in any of it's natural stone products. Available sizes typically range from 2x2 to 24x24.

Finishing Tiles with a Tumbled or Cobbled Texture

Over the years The CleftStone Works has developed several different finishes that can be applied to it's product line, including tumbling and cobbling.

Assembly of Mosaics, Backsplashes & Small Patterns

In order to make installation easier for valued clients, The CleftStone Works offers the assembly, or meshing, of smaller tiles and patterns.

Fabrication of Tiles, Slabs & Panels

Hand finished and fabricated accessories, ranging from decorative bar liners to kitchen countertops, can be produced with most of The CleftStone Work's product line.

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