Marketing & Support

Care & Maintenance of Natural Stones

We encourage the use of natural stone tile surfaces for nearly any residential or light/medium-duty commercial interior application. Most stone surfaces perform very well with simple care in installation and maintenance. Take time to consider the requirements of the site and learn a bit about the suitability of the stone you have selected.

Dealer Programs

To help keep our business relationships strong and effective we have outlined our Dealer Marketing Programs and Policies. In addition we offer several online services including the Management Contact Newsletter, the Design Newsletter, and the Dealer Website.

Displays & Product Sampling

In order to effectively display and showcase the beauty of our natural stone products, we offer various display options. The most useful form we use to showcase our products is our 12x12 range board. In addition hundreds of showrooms across the East Coast have our products built right into their floors as a living display. Learn more about the options available for marketing our unique products.

Product Literature

Several of our product guides, including the "CleftStone Patterns" and the "CleftStone Accessories" guides are available for to you to view and download.

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