These boards not only illustrate the range of color and texture of each material in our product line, but also highlight numerous finishes and patterns.
Each board is labeled for easy identification. Several options are available for exhibiting these boards, such as hanging on slat wall, propped on shelves, or in our versatile baskets available for purchase. Please see our Showroom Order Form to update your showroom sampling.
Thousands of showrooms across the East Coast have our products built right into their floors as a living display. What better way to illustrate the beauty of natural stone than to experience it in use. If you are considering a showroom renovation, expansion, or a simple floor panel update, please feel free to view our Showroom Display Form or contact us with your specific needs.
We are currently finalizing our newest floor-standing rack display. The goal of the rack display is to showcase larger format tiles, new finishes, and to fully illustrate our line of products. We will be sending a newsletter announcement when this exciting program is available.
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